05. Best Bitcoin faucet

Bitcoin faucet is a reward system for completing some task. Usually you are rewarded for watching adds. Captchas are used just to be sure that you are a human, because surfing itself could be easily automated. I hate all types of Captchas, because it takes extra time to solve them. But we are not going to linger on this step for a long time. So treat them like temporary inconveniences.

Create your account at faucetad. Just use bitcoin address that was obtained previously.
(opens in a new window)

If they ask to verify your account, use your secondary email and follow their simple instructions. Then navigate to FAUCETAD LIST. Here you can see the urls of available rewards. Do not click all of them at once. Visit available links one by one. Do not forget to solve simple captchas and collect you rewards. However, this type of activity will not make you rich fast. You have to refer some friends in order to help you, or it could take up to few weeks before your first withdrawal. I think that I’ll share you a small lifehack in one of my future posts. It’s true that there are many other faucets here and there but my recommendation is to concentrate on this one.

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